
Resume Advice From A Celebrity Stylist

Resume Advice From A Celebrity Stylist

Writing a resume can be really fun. With the right approach, it can feel like a trip down memory lane. As you start the process I want you to keep two things in mind:

  • Who are you? What a question right?! Spend some time and brainstorm. Write out all the things you’ve done and seen in your career. Enjoy this part! From here it will just be a matter of putting it in order.
  • Who are you writing to? Keep in mind what type of company you are reaching out to. Are they casual and funky or are the serious and sophisticated? Make sure your language reflects the tone of the company. If they are a good fit, this should come naturally to you.

I’ve listed some key sections you’ll want to have on your resume. Before you email it off, have a friend review it for edits.

Traditional Resume Sections:

Salon Experience

  • Where have you worked?
  • For how long?
  • What was/is your role?


  • What education do you have and what trainings have you attended?
  • Be sure to include product knowledge – what brands are you familiar with?
  • Include local training, maybe you attended a class from an Instagram star?
  • Do you have countless hours invested in your youtube channel?

Artist Experience

  • What companies/teams have you worked for?
  • Did you do a fashion show? Teach a class? Assist/do a hair show or photoshoot?
  • Have you won an award?

Additional Skills

  • Do you know web ex/meeting software?
  • Are you a blogger, a great illustrator, a whiz at powerpoint?
  • Do you do photography or shoot video?

Non-traditional items I suggest you add:

Social Media 

  • Do you have a youtube channel? Make sure to add these details.
  • If you add your Facebook or Instagram handles, make sure they are open to the public.
  • Don’t forget links to yelp and your StyleSeat profile, you’ll want to share your awesome reviews and portfolio.


  • Add your logo to the heading or a small image of yourself.


  • Have you mentored or taught previously? Add a few quotes and/or reviews from your students.


  • List some of your goals that you would like to accomplish by working with this brand. How would it support them and our industry?

Keep your resume short and relevant. The key is to spark their interest and entice them to call you for an interview. If you need help formatting, there are tons of great templates online that you can download and edit.

Have questions? Want me to cover certain topics? Email and I’ll answer your questions in a blog post!


Pepper Pastor | Celebrity Stylist

Check out Pepper’s profile here:

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