5 Goals Every Stylist Should Set In 2018

It’s that time of year again. January has begun and professionals everywhere are making plans for how they’ll run a better business in 2018. Although everyone has their own unique goals, there are a few core things every stylist should add to their list to make 2018 their best year yet.
Increase Average Ticket
How much did the average client spend per visit in 2017? How much do you want them to spend this year? Set a goal that is challenging but manageable. Say you want to raise your average ticket by 20% — here are some concrete steps you can take to make that happen:
- Sell more retail. The only way to do that is to get to know your clients better. Ask more questions during consultations. Get to know their beauty goals for this year. Take detailed client notes and get to the bottom of your clients’ needs. It’s the beginning of a new year — clients are willing to try new things now more than ever.
- Get strategic with your specials. Offer small discounts on add-on services and get loyal clients to try new things. Turn those haircut clients into brow clients too! Or, get your most loyal clients at the barbershop to start getting beard maintenance or facials on a regular basis.
Upgrade Client Experience
The key to client loyalty is creating an unforgettable client experience. What’s one small thing you can do to make your client experience even better? Here are a few ideas:
- Offer a phone charging station
- Subscribe to better magazines
- Offer better refreshments
- Upgrade the soap and towels in your bathroom
- Create a dedicated selfie station with great lighting and a cool backdrop
Reduce Stress
As a business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate; unnecessary stress will only distract you from your goals.
- Get clients to book online. When clients book their own appointments, it saves you time and money. You can focus on your craft without worrying about answering phones and figuring out your schedule.
- Breakup with bad clients. When you’re building a business, it’s hard to reject paying customers. But, some clients are such a burden they actually become bad for business. Go through a list of your rude, chronically late, and high maintenance clients and evaluate whether or not they benefit your business. If not, it’s time to let them go.
Update Business Profile
It’s important to keep your online profiles fresh and up-to-date. Clients what to see that you are active and constantly improving.
- Update your bio. Did you learn any new skills in 2017? Are you using new products? Are you shifting your focus or rebranding? Even if you don’t have anything new to add, take a minute to improve your bio — give it a little more personality and make sure it grabs the attention of potential clients.
- Update your photos. Make sure your profile photo still looks like you. If you’ve made some major improvements, delete old photos that no longer represent your work. Are you offering new services this year? Add some examples to get clients interested.
Learn New Skills
The beauty industry is constantly evolving, and staying on top of trends is important if you want to keep up. Make it a goal to learn at least one new skill this year.
- If you can find an advanced education course, great. If the course offers a certificate, even better. Being certified in a special skill will make you more marketable to clients and it will be a great addition to your bio.
- You can also improve your skills by watching youtube videos and following industry blogs. Improving your skills doesn’t have to be an overwhelming commitment. Follow experts on social media, stay informed, and make some time each month to practice new techniques.
Looking for tools to help you run your business? Try StyleSeat here.
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